Electric Motor Repairs

We provide quality repair services for a wide range of Electric Motors, Pumps, Fans & Geared Units. Click here to see the services available for the repair of your product.

EMR Silverthorn provides quality repair services for a wide range of electric motors and related products.
Our staff are on hand to discuss your product repair, we have fully equipped workshops, our highly trained staff provide impartial advice on whether to repair or replace a particular product. We repair to the 
highest standards, and have achieved many accreditations including specialist food safety repair. Here at EMR we put your requirements first, ensuring minimum downtime, best practice and value for money.

QA: Our Quality Administration Systems are now BS EN ISO 9002 Approved. Confirmation of our commitment to the highest standards of repair.
EX: The repair of equipment for potentially hazardous areas can now be carried out following qualification of staff in the repair methods applicable to this equipment.
To find out more about our accreditations and quality assurance standards click here..

Our services include:
• AC and DC motor overhauls, repairs and rewinds to AEMT guidelines.
• On site works to remove and replace failed motors.upgrade motors or retro fit VSDs etc
• Energy monitoring
• Modifications; fitting thermistors, heaters, encoders, forced vent units.
• Repairs of explosion proof motors - our staff have attended training in the UK and at the ABB factory to ensure safety is maintained in this important field.

Facilities Available:
• Engineering
• Dynamic balancing
• Vibration analysis
• Laser alignment
• Thermography
• Test facilities

Specialist Food Safety Repairs

Your organisation has put considerable effort into the implementation of ISO 22000, you have successfully achieved the Quality Assurance certification for Food Safety Management. You will be pleased to know that here at EMR Silverthorn we take Food Safety just as seriously as you do, we have implemented the ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System.

We use the Cassida range of food safety lubricants on all food safety repairs. The Cassida range contains a wide variety of lubricants to meet the exacting demands of machinery used in food, beverage, pharmaceutical and animal feed manufacturing, processing and packaging.

All of our food production customers can rest assured that when they send us their motor for repair, we will provide a compliant repair service, which will ensure that when your motor is returned to production, your continued compliance is ensured.

For further information about the range of Food Safety repair services available from EMR Silverthorn, why not call one of our food safety specialists now on 020 8903 1390 or send us an enquiry by clicking here.

